Simply a place for me to write: book reviews, thoughts on writing, details about events or conferences I attend, or editorial tips... The sky's the limit, and it's all right here for you.
Monday, October 31, 2022
Introducing Beth Writes
Over the years, I've done a lot of blogging. I am one of those people who is interested in a lot of things. Over the past 25 years I've had a crafting/DIY blog, a music-oriented blog, a positivity blog, a personal blog, a book reviews blog...even a "spooky" blog (since I'm interested in and edit books about the paranormal, cryptozoology, and body-mind-spirit topics). I even once wrote a zine (remember those?) called Just ... Beth that included my poetry, prose, and essays. Writing informally is a lot of fun for me.
As I have become busier with paid editing and writing work, however, my blogging has waned. What can I say? There are so many hours in the day. When I would have some time, I'd then be faced with the choice of which blog to update.
Since my fingers still itch to write a blog, I decided it would be best if I just put everything in once place.
Beth Writes is a space for me to put the intermittent writing that I long to do but isn't part of a book or a paid project. I hope it'll be an interesting space for visitors who want book recommendations, thoughts on writing, editorial tips, and a personal thought or three on a topic. It gives you a chance to see the person behind the website, too!
In the sidebar you'll see a list of topics. If you're interested in a particular topic, simply click on that category and you'll be taken to all posts that qualify. The topics list will grow as I go, so make sure you check back often.
In terms of topics, I feel like I should address one more thing. What Beth Writes won't address is politics.
I have sometimes been asked by readers to give my thoughts on politics or current events, but that is something that I'm not very interested in doing here. The political climate is pretty divisive and people become easily worked up, so I prefer my discussions in that realm to be face to face or in small, in-person groups where people truly can connect and communicate rather than get upset up about something they read on the internet.
As an intuitive who does her best to be a light in the world, I truly believe in the power of positivity, kindness, and keeping our personal energy in alignment with the highest good. That doesn't mean I won't sometimes share something that challenges or worries me, but it does mean I see those challenges or worries as a means to growth, and to share those struggles in an uplifting way can perhaps uplift others.
So with that said: I'm glad you're here. I hope you find something you like. Welcome!
Cryptid xs update - Enfield Horror done!
(Following links on this blog may result in my earning a small fee. As an Amazon associate I may earn from qualifying purchases.) Stitching ...
I've had many conversations over the years about whether an editor should be credited or acknowledged in a book. It has led to some grea...
(Following links on this blog may result in my earning a small fee. As an Amazon associate I may earn from qualifying purchases.) So I ran ...
(Following links on this blog may result in my earning a small fee. As an Amazon associate I may earn from qualifying purchases.) [Adapted f...