Sunday, November 17, 2024

Someday It'll Be Me. Someday It'll Be You.

[CW: end of life topic; deep thoughts ahead; crossposted from Facebook]

There's nothing like attending a deathbed to make you consider where your priorities really are. Today I walked into a room immediately after a woman had passed away. We sang for the family while the undertakers respectfully waited to take her. There was so much love in that room, so much care, that it touched my soul profoundly, especially as the family each reached out to hug us tight, and as they hugged me, to whisper their thanks, their love for their mother, everything we’d been holding space for. There was healing and closure for some people today.

And while there was closure for them, it opened up a whole  something else inside of me. I’ve been pondering for literal hours:  Do we (humans) have our priorities straight? Where are we putting our energy for however long we have left here in this existence? 

Someday it'll be me. 

Someday it'll be you.

How will you spend the rest of your life? Are you living for the now or living in the past? Are you living from love, forgiving hurts, saying sorry? Or are you spending energy fighting online about stupid crap, holding grudges, going to bed mad?

This isn't meant to sound preachy, by the way. I hope it doesn’t come across that way, and my sincere apologies if it does. It's just meant to stimulate whoever is reading this (and I believe that if you are reading this, then perhaps you are meant to see it) to focus on the good stuff too and perhaps to consider a priority reset if you’re feeling bogged down in negativity.

Themes that show themselves to me again and again these last several years: 

Heal old wounds. 

Nurture worthy relationships. 

Let go of what isn’t healthy for you (including people).


Be Love.

I’ve been saying this since the first time I died: LOVE is the key to the absolutely everything. It’s what runs the universe.

Another thought that occurred to me on the drive home from hospice today: Who do I want to be when I move on from here? 

I want to be Love. And I hope to be remembered as someone who cared.

So who do you want to be?

I know it’s not always comfortable to read about topics like this. I was changed by today's experience—so deeply affected that I had to share. I appreciate you reading.  ❤️

Photo by Jamez Picard on Unsplash

Friday, November 1, 2024

Kicking Butt

(Following links on this blog may result in my earning a small fee. As an Amazon associate I may earn from qualifying purchases.)

Sure didn't have "get the worst cold I've had in 10 years" on my bingo card for Halloween, but here we are. Even when I had two cases of the corvids I did not feel this bad. Fred showed signs of it on Sunday and is mostly better so I guess it's a five day thing. I did the cooking and the caring while he was sick, and now it's his turn:
Fred: "Call me if you need anything"
Me, croaking: "No voice"
Fred: "Come kick my a#% if you need anything."
Me: (see gif) 
#blessed #marriedlife 

(crossposted from Facebook)

Cryptid xs update - Enfield Horror done!

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