Monday, December 26, 2022

Happy Holidays!

It's Boxing Day (the 26th of December) and I can't help but feel grateful for the quiet time between Christmas and New Year. I traditionally book little to no work during this week in order to give myself a chance to relax, reset, and review the previous year. 

2022 was a year of joy and purpose punctuated by upheaval. As someone who has come through a lot in life by adjusting my attitude about things, I find it's good to acknowledge the bad with the good, so let's get the upheaval out of the way: our family experienced multiple dangerous illnesses, injuries, hospitalizations, and losses. One family member lost sight in one eye; another one was almost killed in an accident. There've been some nail-biters this year to be sure... And some of our friends have died unexpectedly. 

In contrast, many aspects of 2022 brought much joy: 
  • Our family are all still here (most importantly)
  • I took a bucket-list trip to MI Paracon in the summer and a couple of other wonderful mini trips
  • I have a meaningful purpose with threshold singing
  • It's been a good year in my editing business as well as breaking through some writer's block
  • New friendships were forged 
  • Past friendships were renewed (including reconnecting with friends I haven't spoken to in 30 years)
  • We've had meaningful family time celebrating birthdays and holidays, including my husband and I purchasing our first-ever Christmas tree as a couple

I have also read a lot of good books this year, so around the new year, expect a post with that list of reads. 

I wish you all the quiet peacefulness of this time of year, a healthy winter, and much success and happiness in 2023!

Sprigs of evergreen and ornaments in background with text that says Happy Holidays

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