Monday, May 1, 2023

How Gratitude Overcame a Case of the Don't Wannas

(I made this post on Conscious Commons today, and thought I'd share it here as well.) 

Today I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I didn't get enough sleep, and I was annoyed that I had been woken up by an early alarm for a physical therapy session. Asleep on my feet, travel mug full of coffee in hand, and feeling a case of the "don't wannas," I headed out to my car to go to PT.... ...and then remembered that they've closed my road for maintenance, and I'd have to go the "long way around," making my five-minute commute a fifteen-minute commute, which would most definitely make me late for the appointment. I grumped and groaned and stressed as I started out of my driveway. And then I remembered to have gratitude for my situation: - I can go to PT and have someone help me with my pain. - My insurance will pay for the appointments. - I have a car I can drive, and the landscape is beautiful as I take the long way around. - It's a gorgeous, sunny day! I rolled down the windows and let the fresh spring air refresh my spirit. - This fair trade coffee sure is tasty! ...and so on. By the time I arrived at my appointment, my attitude was adjusted, my mood was lifted, and most importantly, I didn't go in and sour anyone else's Monday with a bad attitude. 

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